I still seem to struggle with the edge threads getting loose, and then the draw-in starts and the threads break. It's part of the reason I don't put on very long warps. It seems that the longer the warp, the more I have trouble with the edges.
The towels that I have been working on have been fun, since there are so many color possibilities.
This towel was woven with a thick/thin yarn I picked up at an estate sale. Hope it holds up--I
think it is cotton, but don't know for sure. I will know better after I wash it.

The towel I just finished last night is woven with several colors of yellow, orange and peachy pink, using up more of my leftover dyed yarns. I like it, but started to have trouble with the selvedge on one side. I know it was a tension thing, because it started to "smile" and draw in too much. I was glad to finish it, so I could spread the warp out again. Before I start the next, and maybe last towel, I will put some more weight on that side. I'm starting to get bored with this project and am ready to come up with something new.
One idea is to use some linen that I also picked up at the estate sale last summer. I think a variety of lace weave towels or placemats would be nice. I especially like the look of Atwater-Bronson lace, with the single cross in the hole.
My second idea, and I can do both if I want, is to start a few rag rugs for my bathroom and entryway. I have the loom best for rugs empty right now, and the multicolor warp will be finished soon, so I could use that loom for the linen.