This shows my modified design and the first six inches of the weave. I can see that I need to work on getting the weft pulled tightly when I first start weaving. The weft shouldn't be showing and the band shouldn't be getting narrower.
The pick-up is easy, but time consuming. I numbered the pattern squares. One shed has the even numbered squares and the other shed has the odd numbered ones. I used a pick-up stick to lift or lower the appropriate pattern threads, so that all the red squares in one row are on the top, and all the others are on the lower part of the shed. Then I use the pickup stick turned on its side to hold the shed open for weaving.
The thicker pattern threads create a raised design. The weaving is done with the same yarn as the edge warp threads.
This will make a nice portable project. I think I will take it to the Fiber Festival at the castle in Charlevoix, Michigan this Saturday and Sunday (July 23-24). Hope to see some of you weavers and spinners there! I will be there with all five of my granddaughters. Bring your spinning for the spin-in!